Sunday, February 22, 2009

and the award goes to...

so apparently the academy awards are on tonight. i dont really care. however, i did decide that if i were to receive an oscar for say, best dramatic actress, and had to come up with my list of people to thank, it would be these folks:
these two because, well, they are my mom and my dad and they gave me life. they made sure i had food in my mouth and a roof over my head well beyond 18 years. they continue to support me in all i choose to do, even if they may not always agree with my decisions.
these guys (not including the lady in the middle) have given me so many, yet different, valuable life lessons, tools and unconditional love. its amazing what you can learn from an 8 year old, and its amazing how someone can love you and take you under his wing like his own child even though he didnt meet you until you were 13.

i would also have to thank all these ladies. they make it possible for me to say i have 7 sisters (although there are only 4 here), which is always an interesting conversation topic. and each and every one of my sisters has taught me something, put up with me, trusted me, made me laugh, shared an inside joke and made being part of a family an amazing experience.

this is my aunt wendy. she has continually supported any creative endeavors i might choose. she constantly gives me inspiration for new projects and courage to branch out to experiment with new ideas.

i'd also like to thank my grandma. if anyone else in this world has taught me its never too late to try something new, its this dynamic woman. she has traveled the world, nursed people to health, help people to find comfort in their last days, tap dances, doesnt drive at night, has learned how to use email, and jumped out of an airplane for her 80th birthday. If you don't believe me, feel free to click on the airplane link and watch the video. This actually deserves another photo... yeah, we all did it too.
Furthermore, i would like to thank the following people for being my friends. i know that it is not always an easy job and i commend your dedication and commitment to the cause that is me. First and foremost is Nicole. She has been my confidant for more than 10 years. In dog years, she's been my friend for, like, 70 years or something like that. that is a long ass time. not that any of my friends have had an easy row to hoe, but this lady has seen it all. and still wants to talk to me! my way of thanking her for everything is with laughter. nicole, i will now, and for always, throw farts in your general direction.

this guy to the right... well... just look! how could i not include him in my acceptance speech? viva la slopveds!

And these two fan-fucking-tastic vagina-toters are Sarah and Megan. (sarah's on the left, megan on the right...):
I could not ask for 2 better friends. Sarah will always, always listen when i need to blabber on and on about whatever and Megan always gives me her leftover chips. plus, we all love cats. and cute shoes. and coffee. oh! and wine! we love wine too! really, i could go on and on...
This is stephanie. i like to think of her as my exotic friend... she lives in argentina and is pretty much my hero. she will get her very own post one of these days. she likes to make stuff, and she knows exactly how to take whatever is going on in my head and put it into the most precise words better than anyone else i know.

also, i'd like to thank my cats, white one, wombat and sleepbuddy, for keeping warm on so many cold nights. we think sleepbuddy is going to die soon. shes really old and it makes us sad.

i'd like to thank my hamster, veto, for being a great little spazzoid. he has made me giggle on numerous occasions, and for this he should be recognized... as far as the furry friends category goes, i'd like to wrap up by saying thanks to my dog, linus. everyday is a lesson in patience, compassion and understanding. by helping you to be a happier dog, i am learning how to be a better human.

and last, but by no means least, i'd like to thank this man. his name is erick. he picks up after me, cooks me dinner, makes me laugh, is both my big and little spoon, is the non-biological father of my non-biological dog baby, deals with my moodswings, calms me when i'm anxious, hugs me when i'm sad, does his best to make sure i have everything i need, netflixes movies for me, holds my hand, wears matching halloween costumes with me... not only does he do all this an more, i dont even have to ask! he does it because he wants to. and even though we live together and he has to deal with my moodiness on a daily basis, he still chooses to be around me! that deserves an award in and of itself... best supporting actor? thank you for showing me that practice makes perfect. i love you.

so, thank you all. i love you and am greatful to have every single one of you in my life. without you, and all of the individual things you bring to my life, i have no idea where i'd be. you make this possible. i am bonded to you by blood and by heart. if there is anyone i left out, i'm sorry. it was by no means intentional. if you are one of those who cares about the oscar's, enjoy the show. i hope your faves win.


  1. Remember when we both did a survey about significant others & did it about each other. LOVE! You're a great lady! Hope my oscar is filled with chocolate :) Thank you!!

  2. aw. this is a sweet post. sorry its taken me a long time to get to reading. xoxox -s
