Saturday, June 20, 2009

plan b.

the last few days the weather here has been pretty muggy, but a lot cooler. this morning there is a breeze that feels soooo good... so i havent been hitting the pool. but everyone has told me about this place called barton springs, so i think i will go today. apparently there are two parts: one, you pay to get in to and its people only. the other part is the runoff from the springs, and its free, and you can take your dog and have them splash around in the water. so that is what linus and i are going to do today, instead of the usual park. everyone says its a great place to meet people, so i figure its about time i check it out.

secondly, before i left for austin, i created a plan. well, two, but plan A is falling apart, so plan B was to find myself a rich oil tycoon, or heir to one, to marry and have babies with or whatever, but i really just wanted his money (shallow, i know, but whatever) and to be taken care of financially, while still having the freedom to do whatever (let me be clear: i am not looking for a boyfriend or someone to love, at least not at this point. my heart still belongs elsewhere. also, i am on boyfriend restriction until i am 30, so i have to find a way to do this and that). i think it was more something silly i said, and being that it IS texas, feasible. but i think it is time to put operation oil daddy into effect, and here's why: I worked Thursday, and it was fine, i'm really enjoying the bakery, and finally got to work with girls and one of them invited me to her knitting group on wednesday and even though i don't knit i think i will go and maybe cross-stitch instead, and I checked my schedule for next week just to make sure I was off early enough to go to Jenny Lewis, and thats when I realized I was going to go broke and homeless. I dont work again until NEXT saturday. yes, 8 days from the last time i worked. so, yes, i am looking for a second job to help pay the bills, and i've considered the obvious choice of being a stripper (which even as only is a consideration, most likely something i will NEVER do. i dont do drugs, and would like to not start again, and this is just not really a viable option.) I can't wait tables or bartend in texas until i get a certification, which i plan on doing, but until then i'm just looking at whatever will pay the bills. of course, i could move home and live with my parents and so adios to this big state, but that doesnt seem like a viable option either. i cant donate eggs, because you have to be a non-smoker for a year, and also my eggs are getting old and no one wants them anyway. i dont have belongings to sell, so thats out the door, and i have no savings. which leaves me back at square one: rich oil tycoon. it seems like the answer to all my problems. i could go to school full-time, and not actually even need to work; he could give me money to take the dog to daycare while i'm gone so that i dont need to find him a new home (also an issue i'm being faced with. i realized that once i start school, on days that i work and go to class, i am going to be gone about 15 hours a day and i'm just not sure if thats fair to linus to have to be home alone that much. its sad. i do not want to give him away. i love the little guy so much and he is one of the best parts of my day, but i'm just not sure if staying with me is best for him. i'm going to try for awhile, see how it works out, but if he seems unhappy i want whats best for him. if i could find someone to walk him during the day that would be different, but dog walkers arent free and i dont know anyone here yet who would. but like i said, i have some time, so maybe by then i will. its just something i've started thinking about.) so, you can see where the oil tycoon really solves all of my problems, from rent to doggie daycare and being able to keep linus AND feed him, to being able to focus on school.

so, this morning, operation pay rent is in full effect. i am at the coffee shop and actually have my hair and make-up done, and am dressed in something other than a tank top and ratty cut-off shorts, because i imagine oil tycoons like a girl with class. i am going to this country bar called the broken spoke tonight, and plan on two-stepping my way into wealth, literally. it seems like oil tycoons might hang out in country bars (i dunno, its a theory.) i first heard about this place from my ex-boyfriend's brother, and he said it was a great place to go, then a bunch of girls at work mentioned it as well. i figure if nothing else, i get to have a night of fun dancing and meeting people. this should be easy. a cute girl alone at a bar is pretty much the same thing as wearing a sign that says "ask me to dance." people are really friendly here, like i've mentioned, and alcohol tends to make people even more friendly, and cowboys are just friendly across the board. from what i've heard, it isnt strictly cowboy folk that go there. much like everything else in austin, everyone fits in everywhere, and there is so much to do, you could roll with a different crowd every night. i was going to go last night, but decided to stay in with a pizza and hang out with ross and rachel and monica and joey and chandler and phoebe.

god bless my mom for buying me a new tv. i've never been much of a tv watcher, but i cant tell you how much nicer it is to have around right now and to not sit alone in silence in my empty apartment. music is ok, but is definatley not the same thing as being able to watch a movie. and i finally bought amelie, which is something i've talked about doing for awhile and always forget to do. also, i bought groundhog day for $3.99 and watched that (sort of) while i rehung some paintings that were off-center and played fetch with the dog. i reference this movie in a really early post, and thought it would be nice to see it. oh! so some things i've recently learned about linus: one, he loves mud which we've covered. two, he likes to bark at other dogs when they are running past them and he chases them from afar, and i think that he thinks he's actually chasing them away even if they were going away anyways. three, he likes to chase birds until they fly away, but not aggressively. and four, he likes to put things in piles. sticks, toys, whatever. he gathers things and then puts them into piles. oh, my little weirdo OCD dog.

i went out thursday night after work to this bar called the jackelope and ran into some work people there, ate a delicious burger, and charmed the pants off of just about everyone i met, girls and guys alike. again, alcohol makes this pretty easy. i dont have to be drunk to do this, but it helps when they are. for example, i just sat there eating my burger, and this girl came up to the table to talk to the people i was with and i introduced myself, and she went on to say how she's had bad experiences with people named morgan, but that she thought i was awesome. also, one of the guys i work with has an english bulldog who is still a puppy herself (about 1) and we go to the same dog park, so i think we are going to take the dogs together. he's also in the same boat, about not being sure if he has enough time for his dog and that he may need to find her a new home. my first response was "i'll take her!!!" (because, and those of you who know me know this, before i got linus i wanted a bulldog and still do.) and then i realized that if i'm not sure if i can keep one dog, what the fuck would i do with two? i've tried to rationalize it, thinking that maybe if linus had a friend, the long days wouldnt be so bad for him. aside from my eventual lack of time, i can't imagine that one more dog would be that much more work than what i already put in. i guess its like kids. most people dont stop at one, and a big reason for this is so their kid has someone to grow up with. so, we'll see. if this oil tycoon thing pans out, i will totally take the bulldog. unless any of you want, or know someone who wants an english bulldog. then we can just have playdates. its funny, cuz i actually thought i'd meet more people at the dog park. everyone says they are such great places to meet people, and yet nothing. maybe this is my lesson. i've never been good at being patient. i've always expected immediate results and when i don't get them, i get irritated. i've always taken on projects that i can see progress with right away. even moving here, once i decided to go, it took less than 2 months to get here. i have a hard time waiting. so maybe this is my lesson to be learned. to be more patient, in all things. good things come to those who wait, right? maybe that's what i should tell my apartment manager when she asks for rent on the 1st.

1 comment:

  1. Well if you're gonna settle, you may as well settle rich! And you're not alone! You have us the blogosphere people. The dog park splash area sounds like fun, bet there's even mud there! Oh and try not to spend 15 hours a day at school when you start, you'll get burned out, even if your oil tycoon is making the bills for you. You can have your education and Linus too.
