Sunday, March 15, 2009

so sad

today my puppy's one and only friend of the canine variety had to be put to sleep. this was my aunt's dog. no one even knew she was sick. in fact, just last night the two of them played together. linus followed burly around, burly was just all, "leave me alone little one..." and today she's gone. everyone is really sad about this.

i guess the point is, it couldve been any of us... family, friends, pets. you never know how much time you have with those you love. so please, take a minute and hug your pets, and take another minute to tell the people you love that you love them and let them know how much every day with them means to you. m, n, s, m, s, d, j, g, m, s, e, e, w, d... all you guys. i love you and you mean the world to me.


  1. Your site has won a Blog of the Day Award (BOTDA)

    Your award will go live sometime on March 24, 2009

    Award Code

    Thank you,

    Bill Austin

  2. Good words to think upon, Morgan. I hope we all can remember to value those we love. <3

  3. That's incredibly true. I guess it takes a heart wrenching situation like that to truly realize it. But now that you have, you can focus even more time on being with those you love.

  4. YeaH! such a warm post morgan... bloghopping and landed here. even I believe, Life is so unsure, spend your time with the loved ones, earning memories, for they may be here only today!
